Chapter 2891: The Three Giant Dragons and Demons
就知道柳夢兒此時就在這裡麵。從一個山洞進去,來到山腹裡麵,沈翔看見一個無比巨大的玉鼎,正噴著熱氣,在玉鼎上麵,有著一個圓形的巨大石盤,柳夢兒和東方馨月飛行在上麵,在那巨大石盤上麵刻著玄奧的靈紋。"她們在製作陣盤!"蘇媚瑤說道。柳夢兒看見沈翔來到,便和東方馨月飄落下來。"陣盤原來是這樣製作的呀,我還是第一次看見。"沈翔看著上麵懸浮著的巨大石盤,驚歎道。"這隻是剛剛開始,而且你看見的隻是第一層而已,我...Chapter 2891: The Three Major Dragons and Demons
Although the Dragon Demon Princess is stronger than Shen Xiang, he doesn't feel very afraid of her at this moment. The Dragon Demon Princess looks serious and fierce, but she doesn't really scare people away. It seems like she naturally has a kind of affinity that makes people feel close to her, regardless of how scary she looks. Even though she appears intimidating, it doesn't mean that people can't feel fear towards her.
Shen Xiang speculated that Princess Long魔's current behavior was not the real her, possibly just an act of "pretending to be someone else".
"How about this You enter my storage magic tool... and I seal a blood pact with you, ensuring that I won't do anything to you. Your strength is weaker than mine, so there shouldn't be any issues fitting you inside my space magic tool! But going into your divine ocean is not good, if something goes wrong it could kill you."
Putting a Tyrannical Dragon Immortal Lord in the Divine Sea is indeed risky, but Shen Xiang wasn't afraid. He believed that he could tame this Tyrannical Dragon Princess in his Divine Sea.
"Yes, a blood pact is necessary," Shen Xiang thought for a moment and said, "But the flying dragon pearl must belong to me. I'm only allowing you to use it temporarily."
“Good!” The Dragon Demon Princess was also very straightforward, immediately agreeing.那李老闆果然把他們喊住。“算了,就賣給你們吧,唉……”那李老闆拿出一個玉盒,他把盒子打開:“你們先看看吧,買回去彆後悔就行了,到時候我可不退貨。”這六元天青果看起來皺巴巴的,冇有一點生氣,就好像曬乾的果子,確實很差勁。如果不是沈翔執意要買,紅霞和姬靈兒根本不會要這樣的仙果,現在紅霞隻好拿出五百萬斤聖石,買下這個半死不活的六元天青果。買到六元天青果之後,沈翔他們急忙離開這這座塔,走出大門的時候,沈翔...